Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Last Year--We Can DO IT!!

Daddy started back up with class tonight.  Each day is his last.  One year from now he will be D-O-N-E.  We're only a little bit excited and anxious.  We.Can.Do.It!!!

We're still laying low and battling whatever it is that each one of us has.  I was a little nervous last night as I started going down hill starting around 2pm.  Luckily Daddy was able to come home a little earlier {before 5!!} and I was sleeping by 7:30.  I guess, that was all I needed as I felt much better today!  Would not have been fun, feeling the way I did and knowing that Reid would be at class, so there would be no break.

Hope you all are staying healthy!

We've enjoyed the laziness and have watched too many movies!  We finally watched the Tinker Bell movie, very cute!

Did you know Fairies are born when a baby laughs for the first time? :)

It's amazing how resilient little ones are to being sick!  You can also tell the minute Tylenol has kicked in and the second it has wore off!

I just like you, Mommy!
just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

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