Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Libby and I were quite the sight today.  We ventured out to do our Target run, it's our last Monday morning without Sally, for a while.  We decided to laugh about it instead of ruin our day, I think because we had nice weather yesterday and warmer weather is coming our way.

We had a full cart, Libby was balanced on the handle of the cart, I was balancing her and holding the umbrella.  Lots of giggles, lots of wind, rain and wetness.  I pretty much looked like I had taken a shower once I had all the groceries loaded and the cart put away.  Not to mention bringing the groceries into the house.  It'll be a fun memory :)  We set a record amount of rainfall for this day.

The Lindberg Ladies came over this afternoon for a playdate.  Two visits in two weeks, it felt like old times! So great to catch up, especially on this rainy day! Thanks for coming over ladies!!

I thought of this, this weekend:

Sally upgraded to the bigger bike without training wheels this weekend.  So proud of her bravery!!

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