Sunday, February 22, 2015


One day at a time.

It's been a little crazy around here.  I'm currently on day 14 of being the solo parent in charge around here.  Last weekend daddy was sick in bed (yep, even on Valentine's Day).  This weekend Daddy's working.  During the week he's been getting home at 7pm or later, one night it was 10pm.

Fun times.  You're jealous, I know you are.

This morning I had the pleasure of taking all 3 girls to Mass, by myself.  I had no choice, I had to help sell tickets for a retreat the Pastoral Council is putting on.  It was really fun, I promise.

So far, every time I've had to go somewhere by myself with all 3 girls, Emma decides to have an "up the backer." Don't pretend you don't know what those are.

See? I told you, fun times!

This too shall pass, it's just a phase, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.  But can I at least swim to a floating dock to catch my breath? :)

Here's a catch up of photos and one really great video.

Story time, loving Libby's made up words

"Okay, now let me have a turn so I can show you what the words really are"
  Valentine nails

Cute little ladies

Always asking to read Emma a story
 Making chocolate chip cookies for Joey's Birthday

Jenn and Brooks stopped over for a visit and wouldn't you know, totally unrelated Poosch stops by!

 Libby gets to grab his cheeks, this time

This definition and this picture perfectly sums up Libby, and the word "Threenager"

She knew I had had a long day and then she comes up dressed like this with a silly voice asking if I want to play catch

 This girl and her hair!
 They love her so

Last Friday, Sally was off of school and it was a magically wonderful day for the big sisters.  They played so well together.  They went up to make their beds, but instead Sally read Libby books, I didn't protest, so sweet
 Thank you Target Dollar Spot for a little morning craft
 Playing store "Thank you very much, Miss, come back again soon!"

The Pickar family were so sweet in giving us their "Good Night Moon" tickets, it was the cutest play at Stages!!

Libby's first play, she so enjoyed it!!  thank you!

 Hearts hearts everywhere for Valentine's day!
 Thank you Maks for the Valentine bracelets!

 Just want to remember their sweet innocent faces.  Giving them a little treat and allowing a show before bed.  Have you watched Stella & Sam on Netflix? Super cute!
 Good afternoon, sweet girl!
 More stories for Emma while she eats :)
 We got word Friday morning that Meggers was maybe going in to labor.  Yesterday, William Brown became a big brother to Bennett Thomas!! Welcome to the world, Bennett, we cannot wait to meet you!!
 Trying to make the most of yet another solo dinner, so we ordered pizza.  I guess we always get take-out.  The girls could not believe that someone was actually going to deliver the pizza to their house.  They thought it was so funny!

And also, my infant smiles better than my toddler :)
 Pizza party in the basement, because we needed a little switch up in our routine

Delores even stopped over for a piece and to give Mommy some adult conversation :)

Not pictured:

*A playdate (mom talk) with Kari and Aubrey, Kari getting to witness the craze of the girls and Valentine's Candy on Friday the 13th!

*Sally scoring a basket during a little scrimmage during Saturday morning practice.  She was so proud, as was I! So fun.

Emma had her 4 month check up.  She's doing great!!

weight: 14lbs 2 oz- 59%
height: 24 3/4inches - 67% (I think this is a little longer than what she actually is...)
Head: 41.5cm- 64%

And the cutest video you ever did see :)

Happy Weekend Ya'll! Keep on, keepin' on!

Sorry if there are typos, no time to proof, baby's up!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sweet Sally Ann

I've been meaning to write a post on our Kindergartner.  She is doing such a wonderful job in school!

She got her 2nd quarter report card and she is doing excellent!! She loves school, loves to learn and loves all of the new friends she is getting to know.  We couldn't be more proud.

I took her out to get some special one on one time and to let her know how very proud of her we are.  Not because she's doing well in school, but because of how hard she works.  It's not about the grades, it's about the effort and attitude and willingness behind it!

"Mom, can I take your picture? Smile and give me a thumbs up!"  I wish there was more time to do this more often...

 She's a bright bright girl, but we're not letting her know that ;)  We don't want it going to her head, just keep on doing what you're doing sweet girl, we're so very proud!

The Sunday to kick off Catholic schools week, she got to be a greeter and an Usher, she LOVED it!

How adorable is she?!

As I mentioned before, Sally was chosen to do the 2nd reading and her school Mass.  We're not suppose to take pictures or record, because, well, it's Mass.  Sorry Father, I had to break the rules...I'm sure he understands ;)

My favorite part was how she was just beaming with pride when she was done!

We are so very blessed, Sweet Sally Ann, to have you as our daughter.  I'm honored to be your Mom!

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Monday, February 16, 2015

F-O-U-R Months

Yesssssssssss, we made it

aaaaaaand then we hit some sleep regression.  It started when we got back from Florida.  Thankfully she waited until after vacation.  I kept thinking maybe it had something to do with the time change, but then she wouldn't adjust.

It's a good thing, yadadadada, means she's developing right on track.  But this babe use to only get up once at night in a 13 hour period and now it's sometimes 3 or 4 times and there have been a few times where she won't go back to sleep.  Mama needs her sleep, so, please baby girl, get back on schedule :)

I think because she's been such a gem it's easier to point out her hiccups.  Thankfully she's still super duper happy and smiley.

Seriously though, that hair!  She rocks it and I let her rock it! There's really no point in trying to "fix" it, because after a nap or a ride in her car seat it's right back where it was.

She loves her sisters something fierce

Such a sweet sweet snuggle bunny

She's starting to figure out her hands and get her toys in to her mouth.  Her hands and fists are constantly in her mouth.

She still wants nothing to do with a nuk or a bottle

The baby babble is becoming more and more every day.  She kind of hums herself to sleep.

On a perfect day she wakes up after 7am.  Naps from 9-11, 1-3, 430-5:15 and Bed at 6:30pm

 Sally wanted to take a picture, this was her Mama getting her to smile
 "Hey, wait Big Sisters, I'm almost done with my photo shoot, can I come play too?"

She's one big bundle of joy! Really, so easy going.  When she is awake she's happy as can be hanging in her bouncy seat, bumbo chair, activity mat, swing, singing songs with her Mama, reading books with her big sisters or snuggling with her daddy.

Happy 4 months Sweet Baby Girl, it has been so fun to watch you change and grow! We love you so very very much!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love being back to the ordinary

Sweet baby girl loves being a part of our dinner table now.  I reminded Sally how she was so excited for this stage to arrive when Emma wasn't even born yet. "Mom, it will be so fun when the baby is here and can sit on the table like Libby did, when we eat dinner."

Thanks for the cute Jammies
After Dinner sillies

They certainly missed each other!
Afternoon stories
Afternoon tea parties
This is an oldie, but a goodie.  It was their last sister snuggle before we headed to Florida
This was my first afternoon back. No matter how warm the sun or blue the ocean, my heart is fullest at home with my family, just doing the ordinary.
Marc and Regan came down on Friday and we got to have lunch downtown with Daddy! Nevermind Emma's jammie outfit, as she had a blow out seconds in to eating lunch, never a dull moment ;)
Daddy went to the T-Wolve/Grizzlies game to cheer on his cousin! So we had a girls night!

Snuggle Bunny, getting so big!
Breakfast for dinner
 Sally learning to skate

Outside runs!

 Saturday Morning Basketball
 Crushers...sure brings me back!
 Air Jordan ;)
 Playing at the park
 Surprising Mommy with a Happy Birthday Sign!
 Last minute, no make-up, cash in on free Birthday Pizza at Park Tav!

Story time
Always managing to have one sock off
Thank you for the adorable outfit Housman Family!
My favorite of all, a little family dance party.

It's finally starting to sink in that Daddy's really done with school {his diploma that arrived in the mail, even proves it!}

I love my family and the ordinary!