Monday, December 2, 2013

It was Magical!

Wow, what a whirlwind.  Our trip was absolutely fabulous! It went very very well, better than I thought it would.  It is all still sinking in, as we look back at pictures and videos!

I have to sort through too many photos and a handful of videos, but I quickly picked out a few of my favorite pictures.

Reid got to play a guard during the story time with Belle.  Sally was Chip!
I cried...she got to meet her favorite Princess!

She loves her too!

Thank you for all of your  help Nana!!

Thanksgiving Dinner at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant  

Thanksgiving night, the first time seeing Cinderella's Castle all lit up.  Breathtaking!!
Probably the biggest highlight for Reid and I {especially Sally!!!} was watching Sally get so excited to meet Ariel, mostly because she had her tail on!!  When Sally was done meeting her and we were heading out to pick up our stroller a crew member that was sweeping up garbage even got tears in his eyes, witnessing her innocent excitement and he was probably middle 20s!!

Lunch Break!

This is what no nap looks like :) Waiting in line to meet Merida {Brave}

This is also what no nap looks like! Watching the Festival of the Lion King really wore her out!!

Craigmile Crew's Magical Vacation!!

They were pretty awesome girls the entire trip!!!

Getting ready for our breakfast with the princesses!! Thank you Lucy for letting Sally borrow your dress! Thank you Nana and Grandpa for one of Libby's early Birthday presents, Snow White Dress!

Watching the Fireworks over Cinderella's Castle!

Welcoming our plane to head home!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Nana and Grandpa for allowing us to go on this truly magical trip!! Your generosity and selflessness are truly amazing, we appreciate you and all that you did to help this be so very memorable!! We will never ever forget it!! Thank you for the memories!!

Now it's time to go tackle some more laundry, and get ready for Libby's Birthday and Christmas!!!

I'll be back, here and there with more details and updates from our trip!

If you're bored you can certainly check out the many videos I took!!

Happy December, Happy Advent!!

It's currently snowing and it is beautiful!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome Jackie! I think we visited that same castle for dinner but I can't remember, it's such a whirlwind! I would have to look back at my pics and figure it out! So glad it looks like you had a blast, it's magical for everyone, young and older! Looks like you had good weather too!
