Monday, July 1, 2013

Play dates

We were busy with play dates last week before we left for a long week up in Alex.  I'll post a few pictures of those and see if I can get the other pictures organized for a post tomorrow.

We went to deliver some dinner to the Lindberg family and to get some snuggles in with Baby Maggie!

We met the Mink's at the Splash Pad...and ended up more at the park

Daddy has been bringing home flowers for Mommy every other week from the Farmer's Market downtown.  One time Sally kindly asked if he would bring her flowers.  He came home last week with 3 daisies, one for each of his girls! Sally was soooooo excited!

Sally picked purple, Libby picked pink and Mommy was left with orange

I met Kari and Haddie for drinks and apps at Lord Fletcher's to deliver some tutu's for their pictures and to keep them company while Andy was traveling!

We're off to swim with the Starkey Boys and Molly at their Grandparents pool tomorrow! Happy 4th of July Week!!

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