Monday, January 21, 2013

Extra Lovin

The newness of being back with our girls hasn't quite wore off yet, we're loving them every second we get :)

Skyping with the girls during our layover in Atlanta

Morning reunion!

Mommy's baaaaaaack

Wouldn't stop smiling and giggling all morning

New piggy


Newest trick

This little piggy went to the market

Working on her walking skills now that Mommy and Daddy are back to witness the first steps!

Her latest "getup"

This is happening...Reid got a Shrek Chia Pet for a white elephant gift.  We're still waiting for the hair to grow...

On your marks

She's been quite the snuggler, too afraid to let go that we might up and leave for a week

A little different than the walks on the beach, but at least we made it outside before the really cold weather came

Snuggle Bunny

Target trip with Daddy.  Good behavior gets her to say hello to the princesses

They're gonna make it big some day...
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  Happy MLK Day!

Stay warm!

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