Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We have been having a lot of fun at weddings! A common thing that gets brought up by Reid is, "How am I going to do that? How am I going to be able to give Sally 'away'?" I guess we'll just have to trust that when she's ready, we'll be ready too! The father-daughter dance has a whole knew meaning to Reid!

I love weddings. I especially love weddings now, because our wedding is over. We don't have to worry about what we will and won't do. We can just sit back and enjoy ourselves and remember memories from our big day. Yesterday, we sipped on some bubbly and watched our wedding video. How quickly two years have gone!

I also watched our slide show that I spent much time (too much) creating. As I was watching I was thinking wow, the pictures and memories we are capturing today will most likely be part of Miss Sally's wedding day slide show. I decided to attach it the blog, kind of fun to see how much Sally looks like each of us. We have many more memories and much love to give before we're ready to "send" Sally off, but I'm sure it's going to be here before we know it. Excuse me now, while we go snuggle and read some books to soak up her sweet sweet innocence!

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