We rode bikes this weekend. I got to talk with neighbors, outside, in the morning before lunch while the kids colored with sidewalk chalk. Simple joys.
I've been a little more disconnected from my phone and the computer, thus, not as many pictures or posts.
Tis the Lenten season to just be.
Emma's first time to really walk around outside. She learned to walk around Christmas, so there hasn't been very much opportunity for her to walk around outside. She loved it, cannot get enough, and gets REALLY mad when she can't go to the park or has to come in. And like all kids do, they know exactly where to find the mud and to fall right on in to it. Oh well
So proud
We also had a fun time at the Lakes for dinner Saturday night. They have two little ladies the same age as our older two, and wouldn't you know, we enjoy the company of the mom and dad too. Thank you Lakes for the food, laughter and fun!
4, my favorite age. They're so pleasant at this age. Their questions and conversations are second to none. Love this little spunk. This is how she came down after her nap.
Each morning at breakfast we've been reading in our Family Lent book. The other day is recommended putting a cross in your pocket and each time you felt the cross it would remind you to pray for a special person of your choice.
Libby's clock turns yellow during part of her nap, which allows her to get out of her bed and read books. I saw her, on the monitor, once her clock turned yellow. She got out of her bed, went to her knees and did the sign of the cross to say a prayer for her special person. A few moments later she stood up and grabbed a book and went on her little way. Couldn't we all learn a thing or two from the 4 year olds ;)
Insert proud mama tears and an immediate text to the hubs.
Libby's proud of her pillow she completed. Thank you Ruby for the fun birthday present!
After I posted on IG that 4 was my favorite, I thought it only fair to post the other kiddos too. Here's where the joys and challenges come in. Each age has its own set of joys and challenges. Each time we enter that age is seems to get a little easier. Maybe we're softer or maybe we're better suited.
16 months, a good age, as long as you're in agreement that said 16 month old rules the roost. Which, in my case doesn't fly ;) She'll learn, hopefully quickly.
Loving the slide, as it teaches her how to climb, you know, things like chairs to get on a table or get whatever she wants *sigh*
But I really do love how they learn something new every single day.
Pissed because she has socks on and it's too slippery to climb UP the slide.
Can't get her socks off. Devastating
Sisters, can you please help me?
Got IT!
And then there's 6 1/2. A whole lot of joys and a little bit of challenges. Love her love for reading and how much she learns and retains from it all. She's a little adult with wonderful ideas. World changer, this one will be.
And Mommy was the last to get whatever was being passed around our little family. But Mommy's didn't conveniently come on the weekend, so Mommy doesn't get a sick day. Daddy had a work dinner, so it was all mommy all day. But then the stars aligned and Mommy tried to make the best of it and really did have a fun evening with her 3 girls. Bath and coloring and bed and all. Because when you're sick you can't be multitasking as much and it forces you to just sit and be and observe and think all these thoughts, and suddenly you realize you now have 3 little artists sitting at the art table and how can that be? Weren't we just trying to survive life with a newborn while Daddy was finishing up Grad School?
Libby got to do one of her favorites today. Eat a few crackers outside after her finished lunch and belt out Let It Go! Soon and very soon this will be an every day occurrence.
Happy Hump Day I hope it was filled with more joys than challenges!