Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sally is 3 1/2 today!

Halfway through the horrible 3's!! I feel like the worst is over.  I'm confident to say that she is sweeter more times than not.  Phew! One down, ??? to go through the 3's.

Here are a few of Sallyisms:

Nana got to see Sally's wittiness when sitting in the back with her for 14 hours. Nana accidentally did the first clip of Sally's car seat.  A step Sally prides herself in doing all on her own.

Sally: Hey, I can do that myself!
Nana: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Sally: Well, you just ruined my day!

Sally was getting in trouble for not listening and telling me NO!!!.  After she had been upstairs for a few minutes to take a break, we pulled up chairs to have a little chat.  As we were talking she said, "May I have a turn?"  "Sure Sally, what would you like to say?"

"You are not being very nice and I can see Jesus in your eyes.  He is in every one's heart.  Do you think you are making Him very happy right now?"

Jeeeeeeeez thanks a lot preschool!

The other night after she took her first few bites of her dinner.  "Mmm, Thanks Mom, this is wonderful!"

Happy 3 1/2 witty little girl! Thank you for making me a mama! We're proud of who you are becoming!! Love you so so much!

Brave girls after "catch up" shot. One cracker makes everything alllllll better!

Sisters helping Mommy shop at Target.  Clearly Libby is still loving her new found freedom and has no time to look at or smile for the camera

Happy Girl after nap time yesterday

Grandma, this one is for you!! {She desperately wants one of her granddaughters to love baby dolls}

Sally is starting to learn the days of the week and months of the year. I love catching her singing one of her songs from school and then she teaches me.  To be fair this video was shot in the month of October ;)

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