Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We're blessed

Wow, are little ones resilient! Sally surely bounced right back! She was begging for all kinds of foods yesterday, however, I wasn't quite ready to open her diet back up to whatever.  We stuck to the B.R.A.T diet, just in case.  I remember thinking, before becoming a mama, how in the world do people clean up puke without throwing up themselves.  It's so weird when the time actually comes and you have to do it.  It's just that, you do it! Even if it is 6 times!  I don't know how to explain it, but it's just different when it's your own child.  If I can nurture her and grow her in my belly, I suppose I can clean up her puke...just not every night please.

A few things I learned through all of this:
*thank goodness for hardwood floors, makes clean up so much easier
*thank goodness for a supportive husband
*thank goodness for washing machines
*Sally is almost two and we have only had a total of TWO nights where we were up pretty much the entire night.  Two, I'd say we're pretty lucky.  There was one night as a newborn where she wasn't a fan of sleeping and then last night when her stomach had a mind of it's own
*Since Sally was about 3 months she would only fall asleep in her crib.  She doesn't sleep in the car and she will not fall asleep in your arms.  I got to witness her stubbornness to falling asleep in my arms.  Her eyes were doing the heavy thing for about 5 minutes before she finally let herself relax, close them and sleep.  We could only be in her room in the rocking chair, otherwise she thought it was time to play.  Even though it was dark outside and the clock said 2am.
*I remember being a little girl and the comfort of my mom rubbing her hand on my forehead and pushing away my hair.  Sally was a big fan of this as well. 
*The realization that, I'm now that mama that is that comforting touch brings me to tears. 
*I love my job.  This motherhood thing is simply amazing!
*Most importantly, we're thankful, thankful that that's the worst we have to deal with.  During the middle of it all, I thought about those mothers having to care and comfort for their sick child because they're going through chemo or radiation.  We are very very blessed and we thank God for that, and pray for those that are facing those challenges!

Sally loved the fact that she got a lot of "extra" baths through it all.  She's getting creative with her "touders" (towers)

I'm happy to report that she now knows the "duck" is a pig, even though it's shaped like all of the other ducks.  She's getting smart!
**A quick request.  My good friend Tiffany is due in May and she was just in the hospital passing Kidney Stones.  From what I hear, it can be more painful than childbirth.  So, needless to say, she could use a few prayers for relief and comfort. Much appreciated!

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