Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Libby's 6th Birthday

We decided to have her Birthday Party with friends the weekend before her birthday.  She had asked this year if she could have her party at the bowling alley. You Bet! Great idea!  As with tradition, they're allowed to invite as many friends as the age they are turning.  We had a great time celebrating Libby with her 6 friends!

I let her open one of her gifts from her Godmother, Meggers, early as I knew she might like to wear it to her party :)

 Her ball even had a 6 on it!
 and Sally's had an 8!
 They mostly love each other
 Love making her feel special
 They were excited to see the personalized message for Libby at the bottom of the screen
 Libby and her sweet 6 friends
 Emma's first time bowling

 Pizza, Ice Cream and Presents

Such a trooper

The day before her birthday, Reid, Mason, Emma and I went in to her class to read for her birthday.  She chose the book Seven Silly Eaters. I got to bring out my inner teacher...made me miss teaching for a quick minute

We were excited to have nothing scheduled for her actual birthday.  Jammies alllllll day, Christmas Cookie baking, Ice skating, games, legos, cinnamon rolls, were a few of her favorites, to name a few!

As tradition has it, we started the morning with a scavenger hunt to find her birthday gifts!


We found Rusty during the hunt too
 She chose cinnamon rolls over going out for donuts, it was nice to stay home and not rush out
 Father Don's cards are always a favorite!
 It was sweet to see Emma so excited for Libby on her birthday, with just having had hers, she understood the exciting parts of the day

Family game of spot it!

 Lots of Bop It!
 Daddy, trying to beat Mommy's high score of 60!
 Daddy took the girls skating while Mommy put the house back together, put Mason down for a nap, prepped Big Noodles (Libby's Fave Lunch) and got everything ready for Christmas cookies!


Rolo Pretzels-Yum!
 More Rolo help!
 Keeping the baby out of the kitchen, Flannel boys!
At the exact moment she was born 12:44pm, we sang Happy Birthday!

A scene from a successful cutout session
 Wasting no time in getting started on her Legos!
 Helping prep her favorite dinner! Two Timin' Sausage Pasta
 more cutouts

 Daddy's turn for a pan
 "Mom, take a picture of me and my brother!"
 Mason thought it was pretty great he figured out how to get on the trampoline and stand up all by himself!!!

 Emma's bed while she cheered for her sisters while they were working on their legos
 another lego master!
 Cookie and Ice Cream Happy Birthday.  She was nervous the candles were too big and hot

The next day after Mass, she wasted no time in wearing another new adorable dress and get back to work on her Legos!

Happy #6 Sweet Libby Jo! Thank you for being you!

We love you!

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