Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Godfamily Easter in Kansas!

Technically we're still in the Easter Season, so this isn't *that* overdue of a post :)

We decided to head south to Kansas to spend it with The Joerger family.  It was a great excuse to see Thomas and Erin's new house!  We call it a Godfamily because Thomas and Erin are Emma's Godparents and Reid and I are Madison's Godparents!

It was absolutely WONDERFUL!! The weather was superb and our 4 pack were rockstar travelers!!! It helped that they all got new seat assignments in the car.  Mason flipped to forward facing. Sally moved up to the middle row and Emma moved to the back with Elizabeth.

We pulled the girlies a little early from school on Holy Thursday and headed south for 7 hours.  One quick bathroom stop and one quick dinner stop to go and we arrived by 8pm!

Little Buddy, waiting for his Sisters and Daddy so we could hit the road!

The only one to crush a nap on the way down...
 Re-energized and fancy freeeeeee
 Subway for dinner!
 Matchy-Match! Emma and Savannah ready to head up to the Easter Egg Hunt
 Beautiful morning to hunt eggs!
 Can you spot the Littles with the adults?

 They got to hunt on the Big Kid side, and as you can see, made quite the haul

 Because Erin and Thomas are the best ever they watched our 4 kiddos (and half the neighborhood) while Reid and I snuck away for breakfast with John and Melissa.  We look up to them for MANY reasons.  It was a nice treat to have some two on two time to discuss life and faith and raising Catholic Kiddos.  Such a fruitful breakfast.  God is good!
 Love him!

Unplanned pinkalicious Craigmile Crew
 as if Thomas and Erin could become even BETTER hosts, they invited the extended family over for pizza and fellowship.  Did I mention Erin and Thomas are pregnant with their 3rd? They rock!

Sally and Elizabeth were in HEAVEN getting to play capture the flag with their 2nd??? cousins! Thank you Joerger cousins for being AMAZING role models for our kiddos.  We cherish and love you!

 Easter Sunday...the SON (sun) definitely rose!
 A try in the shade.  To our surprise the Bunny hid Easter eggs outside!!!
 an attempt at all of the kiddos
 Our beautiful Goddaughter

 My boys!
 it's fun to dress a boy for a change!
 Real life...
 Bribed them with a jelly bean!
 Story time with the hostess
 Blowing bubbles in Daddy's face
 Lots of shooting hoops, Lightening (knock out as the Kansans say...)and around the world
 Crushing the ENTIRE Harry Potter series in 3 weeks!!!
 and then they surprised Reid with an early Birthday celebration.  DQ ice cream cake! Twin Cousins with their Babies
 Not pictured, the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplets we got to pray all together. SO many wonderful cherished memories.  Thank you Joergers for making us feel at home (I mean, Madison gave up her crib to Mason and she slept in a pack n play in her parents' closet!!) in your beautiful new home.  We can't wait to come back!
 They travelled so well we're already planning our summer roadtrip to visit some Marian Shrines!!

and because I thought this was pretty great, in reference to the fire at Notre Dame.
alright, I can't proof and I gotta run, Band concert tonight.  "It's not you, it's May!"-Rachel Balducci!

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