Thursday, February 18, 2010

Our New Baby

No No No, I'm not pregnant! It was time to upgrade our home computer. The one we were using was my computer from college. Yep, that's right, it was new in August of 2002...8 years ago!! If you know computers, the minute you buy one, it's outdated. So, needless to say it was waaaay overdue for us to get a new computer! It's amazing that I can have 5 windows open, AND listen to music and the computer won't freeze or I don't have to restart it, or I don't have to walk away, take a shower and still find it "loading"

I do feel a little sad for Sally as she was a bit neglected yesterday as I was playing on our new toy. At least it was nap time when the computer first arrived! However, after the newness wears off I think having this new computer will allow me more time with her because it won't take so long to do my simple daily task I must do each day :)

One last thing, as you saw on my sister's blog we've now got Skype. So, if you want to chat with us, add us to your contacts, we're craigmilecrew.

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